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English Space mod

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closed moved Poll Space mod

User Off Offline

I am working with a script to control the camera and create a small space mod.

Ok, there is description:

At the this moment, there is only one test map with single planet and star:
The planet rotates on its axis, it rotates in a circular orbit around the star.
The planet has:
1. Rotating sprite atmosphere and simpe effect of thunderstorms on the surface,
2. There is an aura of light and shadow, depending on the position of the planet to the star.

The star has an active crown - If player's ship flies up to it closer than 2 radius of the star - then the more damage per second it gets.
As the player's ship is close to the star, so much the player's screen brighter.

To mod connected script of virtual shells and beams/rays (as is in my mod qa2d)

At the this moment, I work mostly with camera and without push-button control:

The camera moves around the ship, depending on the position of the cursor on the screen. Also, depending on the distance of the cursor from the ship does it affect the speed and direction of movement.

By clicking the right mouse button is a shot of the current weapons.
By clicking the left mouse button is the activation of the protective field.

There is also a soft fog of war in the region outside the view direction.

At the this moment it all - because this mod is only for test for the script of the active camera and without push-button movement.

If you like it - I will try to give it time, and create playable version.
edited 5×, last 22.11.13 04:42:35 pm

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

I don't get the point of this thread?

Is this a development thread, or just a thread to spam people by telling us you are making a mod.

The thread is very boring, one image, not that useful. At least make use of thread creations instead of using them to spam your images. It's very time-wasting as posted above.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

> seems a great mod

when done, i will be the first who will download'it

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline


Dinamic fog of war for "Comics" pixel space ships and shooting in the energy shield.

Added Poll in first post.

The list of what to do:
• lens effect for glowing objects
• flames from the engine
• ...

I'm not going to disclose my scripts, and I am looking for a free and stable server for hosting my mods.

old Re: Space mod

BANNED Off Offline

Well, since this thread is about a mod that contains spaceships, i obviously meant Engy's Space RPG mod.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

In other words, do you think there can not be any other space mods?

All analogies are false, if it is devoid of facts.

Compare our mods on screenshots.
A little later I will provide video.
Unfortunately, I'm not so good at talking like an EngiN33R - so I'm just going to show this mod.
edited 1×, last 08.04.13 07:04:06 pm

old Re: Space mod

Moderator Off Offline

I don't mind user Pagyra working on this mod, especially since my mod has now been made into a game. What's better or worse is not for me to decide.

old Re: Space mod

Reviewer Off Offline

user Infinite Rain has written
By far the best mod made for CS2D in my opinion, also made by him and his team.

Tibia rocks more. It has pokemon.

I also dislike the textures, so do more. But for the sake of it I don't post it everywhere.

Good luck to this mod, I find the textures here more suitable as it does not involve people and is focused on the space-ships and its weapon gfx.

old Re: Space mod

User Off Offline

At the this moment I have not seen any "project" ... or more - the complete mod which at least looked at this or better than our mods created by Russian-speaking modmakers group.IMG:

In my opinion you have not created anything that really qualitatively to have the right to criticize in such a negative way ..
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