Please ban me because I am fucking retarded kid.

[TD2D User] Mort Vivant
6 replies

Karny Kutas
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20 votes cast
Please ban me because I am fucking retarded kid.

I am fucking moron, and I am using The Darkness 2D.
Please ban me because I am fucking retarded kid.
Please ban me because I am fucking retarded kid.
Who cares?

god, why you had use a hacktool it inst fair, hacks are for noobs, like you. naja, you cant anwser me. and you hackfucktard, stop that, and fuck off. noobody like you on this website..

Didn't i warn you from using it yesterday

Nvm, You was using lot of hacks

It is not ! he is hacked and the owner is spamming like what said DC !
DC is reeally a good man
why he did not say Dr.Trojan steal ?
cause this hack rly steal Dr.Trojan is hacking sv_informatiions
like speedmod supply_auto upgarde


Blunt: do you yhink is him ???
