edited 5×, last 18.07.12 11:27:12 am

A small video i made.
30 replies
So, you made a video of you playing L4D?
Uh... Yes.

Just close the topic for god's sake.

Or roosterteeth?
Rooster Teeth's videos are useful, teaching you how you to get achievements in L4D1/2 (and not only) in his Achievement Hunter show.
I think videos of people simply playing are boring. I only watch L4D videos in YouTube for exploits, tricks, easter eggs, ownages, etc. Let's Plays are boring.

Or roosterteeth?
Rooster Teeth's videos are useful, teaching you how you to get achievements in L4D1/2 (and not only) in his Achievement Hunter show.
I think videos of people simply playing are boring. I only watch L4D videos in YouTube for exploits, tricks, easter eggs, ownages, etc. Let's Plays are boring.
Yes i know that, though i'm still not sure what are the videos going to be for.

I only watch L4D videos in YouTube for exploits, tricks, easter eggs, ownages, etc. Let's Plays are boring.
LIAR! You told me you found out those exploits by yourself.

I guess he wants to become a "Let's play" youtuber, which 70% of youtube is trying to. Do something else, for God's sake.
I would do the same if I earn money doing these things.

What video?
It's on the OP.
People really need to get better ideas - "lets plays" are old and unoriginal.

I guess he wants to become a "Let's play" youtuber, which 70% of youtube is trying to. Do something else, for God's sake.
I would do the same if I earn money doing these things.
So are you? earning any money? $$$?

You do realize that I'm not that type of person who would imagine the link of your video and watch it. Even though, I dislike "let's play" videos, since almost everyone began to make them. You're just wasting your time and farming for dislikes.
No i don't realise that, how do you think am i supposed to know that?? If you don't like the video why did you bother searching for it just to put a dislike? Idiots like you should get off youtube
and unrealsoftware for randomly hating allmost everything. I finaly managed to record a video, and you hate on it, do you think i feel good? And whats wrong with my pc? Besides the video card i don't see anything bad.