Please update the game, it got boring a bit...

Unreal software pls add a new version that contains more NPCs

Add a few NPCs like... umm.... Zombie soldier they carry guns and... um... uhh... oh yeh! Add a strider so players will run away saying "STRIDER! RUN 4 UR LIVES!"
Please add new npcs
My suggestions
1. Zombie Soldier (zombine hl2 ep1)
2. Citizen (it helps you like... shoot enemies or do.. i dunno?)
3. Strider (cause im making a HL2 2d co-op map :D)
4. Fast zombie (hl2)
5. Poison zombie (it makes ur hp 1 and it regenerates slowly...)
6. All headcrabs (fast, normal, poison)
7. City scanner (it pictures u to make u blind (like a flashbang) )
Please make these... I beg you! I really want these!

and thats all i want.