Reporting Kenpachi
Reporting Kenpachi
4 replies Maybe its fake? How do we know that this guy is Kenpachi? His name is Player...also if his name was Kenpachi, maybe its fake? DC can't help you. Z- User
wasnt there another stupid thread like this earlier Idk,he said that he is kenpachi and started to insult me.
He also said that he's gunna crash people's servers DC Admin
okay, assume the following:
I go on a random server, say that I'm Jela331 and that I'm going to hack everyone and to create 100 accounts.
someone sees it and reports it.
you will get punished but you didn't do anything. it was me.
I hope you now understand why I have to trash this thread. everyone can say that he is person XYZ. there is no proof. this thread is based on assumptions and not on facts.