no offence but its kinda wierd having a clan that stole your name (my ingame name : Second PL ) for over a year WAYYY before these guys made that clan, if anyone can give me some info about these guys (idk if there anti-second pl or something ) i should have made this thread earlier but i had to spy on some of the members to find out that THEY STALK ME >.> almost every server i go on a second (XD) later ONE OF THEM JOINS >.>
any info would be great
~hobo man445 (AKA : Second PL ) Admin/mod comment
read the cs2d section rules. no clan threads. Idc? or what should i say, this is unreadable.
Surplus has written
Idc? or what should i say, this is unreadable.
well being polish REALLY HELPS, im not going to use translators or anything like that >.> they mess up what you want to say pretty bad clanthreads are not allowed you know, dc will be angry. in other words HE WILL BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN.