Admin can you get players who use hacks prnament ban? [TR] They are destroy play!
without hackers YES or NO? edited 6×, last 15.07.11 09:34:57 pm
Admin/mod comment
this thread is quite pointless. hackers are banned when they are spotted while hacking without doubt anyway. yes i hate them and if there is more then 1 and you try to vote them out, they all go against you and go on cs2d multi times and on the same server to kick you. Permanent ban for you for asking other people to be banned because your primitive brain can only generalize.
Flacko has written
Permanent ban for you for asking other people to be banned because your primitive brain can only generalize.
But here you can vote! And vote si not ask but vote! edited 2×, last 15.07.11 10:09:07 pm
Lol, you could've used your tiny little brain and pay a visit to his profile first. And you generalize too much. 0a User
Hey, you retarded racist guy. Hello, I'm Turkish and I'm not hacking, i have a lot of Turkish friends that playing CS2D and they never use hack. Got it? Think twice before posting something, asshole.
(Hello flame mark, i must post something like this because of those fucktards. ^_^)
By the way why you edited topic? You want to ban all Turkish players, yeah? edited 2×, last 15.07.11 09:39:46 pm
0a has written
Hey, you retarded racist guy. Hello, I'm Turkish and I'm not hacking, i have a lot of Turkish friends that playing CS2D and they never use hack. Got it? Think twice before posting something, asshole.
(Hello flame mark, i must post something like this because of those fucktards. ^_^)
I am not a retarded racist guy. But players of Turkey - [TR] on zombies and publics servers use speed hack!
And destroy play! edited 1×, last 15.07.11 09:21:42 pm
I am not Turkish but it's unfair for that country to perma-ban every Turk due to peapole hack. But not every turk do the same.
I don't know what to choose...
Free game = Free hacks. True & Sad btw.
3RROR has written
I am not Turkish but it's unfair for that country to perma-ban every Turk due to peapole hack.
No it isn't. If I had the chance I would nuke them. Call me racist, like I give a fuck. Ye racist fuckwit, just because a bunch of players with [TR] in front of their name hack, you vote for all turkey players to be banned
Bottom line : you are the one who deserves the permaban
0a has written
Hey, you retarded racist guy. Hello, I'm Turkish and I'm not hacking, i have a lot of Turkish friends that playing CS2D and they never use hack. Got it? Think twice before posting something, asshole.
(Hello flame mark, i must post something like this because of those fucktards. ^_^)
Thought you were Polish. im turk and i never used hack... you racists, shut cant say these people from x country we should ban them.You should say:there are hackers how we can solve this problem?
loldlold123 has written
im turk and i never used hack... you racists, shut cant say these people from x country we should ban them.You should say:there are hackers how we can solve this problem?

Yates has written
If I had the chance I would nuke them. Call me racist, like I give a fuck.
i think,already nuke bombed in your brain,brainless racist noob.
loldlold123 has written
im turk and i never used hack... you racists, shut cant say these people from x country we should ban them.You should say:there are hackers how we can solve this problem?

Banning all of 'em, easy, fast, and to the point, no more turkey hacks...
And btw, you guys can call me racist, but that is a fact:
-Spanish: 70% Retarded (while alone). 90% Retarded (while in groups).
-Argentine: 40% Kids/Immature.
-Brazilian: 80% Assholes.
If you call me racist, you're assuming that you are on those groups of Retarded/Kid/Assholes.
loldlold123 has written
i think,already nuke bombed in your brain,brainless racist noob.
edited 2×, last 15.07.11 09:46:30 pm
You can't ban an entire county just because some cheat. This is a pointless thread
loldlold123 has written
i think,already nuke bombed in your brain,brainless racist noob.
And you're fucking turkish. I DO NOT HAVE TO ELABORATE..
Wanna call me racist again, brainless fuck?
WilomanCZ has written
Flacko has written
Permanent ban for you for asking other people to be banned because your primitive brain can only generalize.
But here you can vote! And vote si not ask but vote! You are propably turkey too :-/
I'm from Argentina (a lil' country by south america in case you've never seen a map), mind you.
I've probably been playing for a little longer than you, so please stop it with that cocky actitude because it's unbearable.
On topic, voting is not democracy if you're just tryng to take away other people's rights.
This is simply unfair. 0a User
Yates, stop it or you will get a lot of flame mark, really.
By the way i dont have a country at all... I'm an anarchist and atheist
I dont need a country to live!
0a has written
Yates, stop it or you will get a lot of flame mark, really.
I have 7. Erhmm.. Do you thing 8 would mind?