
M4A1 or AK47?
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M4A1 | 58.88% (63) | |
AK47 | 41.12% (44) |
107 votes cast

gang weapon. big bullet long range power full, can penentrate walls,in cs2d AWESOME!"

m4a1 = better accuracy than the ak47 (obviously) so it's used to ... kill your opponent (obviously again)
cuz i like the T's

dosent show damage indicators to the enemy

I never knew that, maybe cause I always rambo my way through with M4A1..

I used to prefer the AK but now that the M4 dosent show damage indicators to the enemy while suppressed ill go with the M4 

But it does less damage (While suppressed.)


But it does less damage (While suppressed.)
omg thx Yates I didn't know that

offtopic: what about USP? does it do less damage too? when silenced?