carmodMarcell Super User Offline 01.05.11 08:20:54 pm Hi the carmod is not works for me.:S I put dotfile into server.lua and writed hooks are added. i writed into console this 1spawncar 176 336 10 180 gfx/Cars/car.bmp 80 136 10000 1000 but not works:Sű what is the problem?
Re: carmodStarkkz Moderator Offline 01.05.11 08:34:46 pm Nothing is wrong, but did you check that you have the vehicle sprite?, because that command I showed it's just an example.
Re: carmodNight Till Death User Offline 01.05.11 08:49:58 pm recheck the image path... make shure your typing it right and that the image is BMP or PNG for example spawncar 176 336 10 180 gfx/cars/standart.bmp 80 136 10000 10000
Re: carmodMarcell Super User Offline 01.05.11 09:30:00 pm sorry works i add bad cordinates for spawn :))) thx