i want add this function for using only with admin (teleport with claw)
but i want other players use claw normal using
if you help me i will thank you

function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i]=value 	end 	return array end function usgncheck(data,id) 	for _, usgn in pairs(data) do 		if player(id,"usgn") == usgn then 			return true 		end 	end 	return false end mx = Array(32,0) my = Array(32,0) admintable = {24449} -- List of USGNs to be given admin rights timer(150,"requestdata","",0) function requestdata() 	reqcld(0,2) end addhook("clientdata","clientdata") function clientdata(id,mode,x,y) 	if mode == 2 then 		mx[id] = x 		my[id] = y 	end end addhook("attack","client") function client(id) 	if player(id,"weapon") == 78 then 		if usgncheck(admintable,id) then 			parse("setpos "..id.." "..mx[id].." "..my[id].."") 		end 	end end