I search a little Script.
If a Player (With USGN in Script) say "@say Hello" the Hello is in Color with (Admin) but only when he say "@say".
Thanks you a lot !

Admin_Table = {} RGBCLR = "255255255" -- Color for saying. function table.find(tab,val) 	for k, v in pairs(tab) do 		if v == val then 			return k 		end 	end 	return false end addhook("say","onSay") function onSay(id,txt) 	if txt == "rank" then 		return 0 	end 	if string.sub(txt,1,4) == "@say" then 		txt = string.sub(txt,6) 		if table.find(Admin_Table,player(id,"usgn")) then 			msg("©"..RGBCLR..player(id,"name").." (Admin): "..txt) 			return 1 		end 	end end
if (text == @say) then msg("©255255255"..player(id,"name").." (Admin) "..txt)
addhook("say","what") function what(id,txt) if player(id,"name") then msg("©255255255Citizen = "..player(id,"name").." : "..txt) end end
Admin_Table = {} RGBCLR = "255255255" -- Color for saying. function table.find(tab,val) 	for k, v in pairs(tab) do 		if v == val then 	return k end end return false end addhook("say","onSay") 	function onSay(id,txt) 		if txt == "rank" then 	return 0 end if string.sub(txt,1,4) == "@say" then 	txt = string.sub(txt,6) 		if table.find(Admin_Table,player(id,"usgn")) then 			msg("©"..RGBCLR..player(id,"name").." (Admin): "..txt) 		return 1 		end 	end end