I search a script.

Thanks you so much !
addhook("hit", "AdminKill") function AdminKill(victim, killer, weapon, hpdmg) 	-- Check if the killer is 'iDios' here, if so, proceed to the step below: 	if player(victim, "health") - hpdmg <= 0 then 		local oldname = player(killer, "name") 		local newname = oldname .. " (Adm)" 		parse("setname %i %s":format(killer, newname)) 		parse("customkill %i %s %i":format(killer, weapon, victim)) 		parse("setname %i %s":format(killer, oldname)) 		return 1 	end end
addhook("kill", "adminkill") function adminkill(killer,victim,weapon) 	if (weapon == 32) then 		parse("customkill "..killer.." (Adm)M4A1 "..victim) 		return 1 	end end