WOuld one of you guys stand up and write for me how do you make an emoticon system? like when you say

addhook("say","onsay") function onsay(id,txt) freeimage(id) if (txt==":)") then id=image("gfx/weiwen/happy.png",1,1,200+id) end end
s = {} function s.c(path, ...) 	local args = {...} 	local id = #s + 1 	s[id] = {p = path, s = args} end -- Add new Emoticons here: -- Like this: s.c(IMAGE_PATH,EMOTICON1,EMOTICON2,...) --***-- s.c("gfx/weiwen/happy.png",":D",":)","=)") --***-- addhook([[say]], [[say_hook]], -10) function say_hook(id, txt) 	for m = 1, #s, 1 do 		local w = nil 		for _,l in ipairs(s[m].s) do 			if txt:find(l) then 				w = l 			end 		end 		if w ~= nil then 			local b = image(s[m].p,player(id,"x"),player(id,"y"),3) 			timer(0,"imagep",b..","..id,0) 			timer(1000,"imagealpha",b..",0.75") 			timer(1200,"imagealpha",b..",0.5") 			timer(1400,"imagealpha",b..",0.25") 			timer(1600,"freeimage",b) 			timer(1600,"freetimer","imagep,'"..b..","..id.."'") 		end 	end end function string:totable(m) 	if not m then m = "%s" end 	local tbl = {} 	for w in self:gmatch("[^"..m.."]+") do 		table.insert(tbl,w) 	end 	return tbl end _imagealpha = imagealpha function imagealpha(id, alpha) 	if type(id) == "string" then 		alpha = id:totable(",")[2] 		id = id:totable(",")[1] 	end 	_imagealpha(id, alpha) end function imagep(b) 	id = tonumber(b:totable(",")[1]) 	pl = tonumber(b:totable(",")[2]) 	imagepos(id, player(pl,"x"), player(pl,"y"), 0) end