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9 comments3 kb, 515 Downloads

old Aztec Race

Apache uwu
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I've always wondered what a "deathrun" type map would look like if trigger_delay could be faster.

This map demonstrates the use of dynamic walls and timers to enhance the experience - of a hardcore deathrun...however the balance of the length and difficultly need to be tweaked.

ps. first map

plz edit & use it as you please √

Edit: This map can't be extended, for some reason too many trigger_delays will cause the game to crash.

Until I can solve this bug I can't add to this map.
edited 1×, last 16.01.12 06:56:07 am
Approved by Seekay

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3 kb, 515 Downloads


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old o_O

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Lua can do evrything!
This map is just EPIC and AWESOME!
Maybe you shud make it a bit longer?
I like it!
edited 1×, last 16.01.12 01:50:56 pm


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user Apache uwu: Nice. But other guys can't understand how cool it looks inside, how many processes passing in every moment in map. Anyway good job man
I like it!


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it's bugged, it get's error when round restarted! but good
I like it!


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don't play this map on standard
I like it!


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lol i cant make it
realy hard...
I like it!


Apache uwu
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lol no it's a bug -- would be cool if it increased it's difficultly though


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good map i love maps with lua
and when you finish the map
it bugs or it gets harder?
I like it!


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Lol my de_aztec tiles are different and if someone used this on their servers it would be cool. I like the map
Offtopic: I'm playing Fallout New Vegas. I'm level 15 I'm gonna be level 16 soon lol.
I like it!
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