The concept and what it does is simply this-when there is an enemy--just the same for a normal turret, the rocket turret will fire, doing splash explosion damage. You can dodge the rockets!

v_price={5000,5000} --turret,rocket_turret price, how much does the rocket turret cost?
v_rocket_interval=25 --50 = 1 second, 25 = 1/2 second, how fast does the rocket turret shoot? every x frames?
v_rocket_build_time=250 --50 = 1 second, 250 = 5 seconds, how long does it take to build a rocket turret?
v_rocket_speed=8 --32 = 1 tile, 8 = 1/4 tile, how much distance does the rocket travel each frame?
v_rocket_limit=3 --max rocket turrets per player
v_rocket_splash=128 --splash range
v_rocket_damage=50 --splash damage
edited 7×, last 20.06.12 04:42:26 pm
Approved by EngiN33R
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