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English Secret war >

15 comments2.42 mb, 444 Downloads

old Secret war

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Hi again

You are a Russian Spetsnaz in an ICBM launch site in North East Russia where the nuke is being fought over between two terrorist forces, the Phoenix Connexion and the Arctic Avengers.

Rebels have taken over a remote missile complex in Russia. The threat of nuclear war looms. It is crucial that the facility is reclaimed and that the warhead is disarmed.

Locate the nuclear missle silo.
Disarm the Nuke.
Escort all facility support staff from the silo complex

Don't forget to use mp_lua 1
And you can play this map with only 1 or 2 players √

Credits >
Approved by GeoB99

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2.42 mb, 444 Downloads


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Didn't play the whole map scenery but you did a great job on porting this from CS:CZDS to CS2D. While I agree with user Cure Pikachu about mission difficulty, you could create a Lua script which creates customised NPCs (similar thing like in Tibia). In this way, you can make them stronger with some kind of tricks. Damm these good old days.

P.S.: The command is called cs2d cmd mp_luamap and not mp_lua. Just a brief correction.
I like it!


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Yes it is,and maybe I can make more


the bamboozle
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Wait a minute, isn't this mission from Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scene? Man this brings back memories, please make more of these.
I like it!


crazy junkman Wolfgang
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The map is great, story awesome, plot good, and graphics awesome... But you still make rookie mistakes... I mean, i played it, acidentaly died and when i respawned i got stuck in a truck at the begining... Why dont you add checkpoints?
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Cure Pikachu
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Map looks nice, but the difficulty is mostly too low - maybe lower than playing it's CS:CZDS counterpart on the lowest difficulty. This spikes up to medium on the final boss part however.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 18.11.18 11:20:30 am


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@user xsiN: Bots didn't know the goal of the map.Basically, the bots were actually searches for hostage,bombspot,flags and even t and ct spawn(they didn't chase someone.)If a map without these(goals and spawn),they will become stupid till they found it.If one of those entities there and blocked by something,they will stuck.(even you put teleport entities,it won't work)

Still alot stuff missing.(like voices)It's okay.

Edit:BotNode didn't help not so much.It only behave like important thing like bombspot and hostages.So,it's useless.
I like it!
edited 1×, last 14.05.17 01:09:24 pm


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@user Masea: Thank you for suggestions,i'll try to improve it

@user xsiN: They will simply bug and stay at one place...
Also thank you all


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I like this map, but it too easy because everywhere be a Medikits. I think, what in this map needs replace most of "Medikits" on "Bandages".
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the bamboozle
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Sounds like a nice mod, will try.
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Super User Off Offline
Look into the image above, there are some objects without shadows which mean we see them like they are standing on the lowest floor, not longer than us. Try to add shadows at them.

While shadowing, there are two types of shadow. One with adding graphic programs(Such as GIMP,, etc.) and two adding within map editor.
When I look this, I see that you've used the first method which we can do with programs. That's good but this map could be better if all the objects would have got that shadowing.

Anyhow, it's not that much late. You just need to know the second method I said. While attaching a new sprite which is longer than us, you should create once more of that sprite, one is for shadow and the other one is the actual sprite. The second sprite should be over the first one. Becuase we'd like to see actual one firstly, not the shadow. Make the below one's color as 0, 0, 0(fully dark) and transparency as 0,6. And move it to a bit right diagonal, substantially it's up to your daylighttime setting. It should be changed by looking the Sun angle every time.

And then every each one may like this file regardless. Because this way it'd be looked much much better than as is now.

Other than that, there are many more things that you should experience with, but you gotta learn them by yourself.
I like it!


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It looks so attractive
Nice file description as well

A question, can I play with bots? Or will they simply bug and stay on the same spot like in some other maps?
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Liked because here are Russian Spetsnazs.
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I like it!
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