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Englisch General Data Protection Regulation

25 Antworten
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alt Re: General Data Protection Regulation

Reviewer On Online

user Yates hat geschrieben
My e-mail and IP address are considered personal data under the GDPR. I cannot remove my e-mail, I can only change it. I certainly cannot remove the IP address logs.

(...) but the fact that this data is stored truly does mean that Unreal Software should abide by the GDPR.

Also database records have to be encrypted with Key, eg. IP, email will be d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e in database. Also every table may have another key.

Also moderators shouldn't see our IPs, emails.. and all personal data, unless you signed contract with them (Compatible with GDPR).

alt Re: General Data Protection Regulation

Reviewer Off Offline

Lol. You really need to read the GDPR as encryption of personal data is not mandatory. All you need to do is provide sufficient documentation of how you decide to protect the data

Also all Unreal Software needs to do is put in its terms of service that you agree moderators are allowed to view your personal data to help them keep the content and users safe and clean. No contract necessary. It's been like this for years, why complain now?

alt Re: General Data Protection Regulation

Admin Off Offline

I'm planning for a long time already to move to another server and to use a different tech stack to run the site. When doing so I'll also enable encryption. With the current setup it's a bit complicated to enable encryption because of reasons. I also have to setup a mail server and everything to run this website so it's not a trivial thing and it probably takes a few days so I probably won't be able to do it in time for GDPR.

In the highly unlikely case that I get into trouble because of GDPR I would have to pay 4% of last years revenue which is like nothing. Fulfilling all the regulations is way more expensive (considering the time it would require).

alt Re: General Data Protection Regulation

Reviewer Off Offline

You won't fall under the larger category, so it would only be 2% or 10 million. No biggie

They have done this so that companies that make more than the up to amount can potentially be charged more if they earn more. I doubt you would receive any fine at all unless data leaks out.
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