You started a clan again? Lol.
Just re-naming again.
Delete all of your posts!
#1 Score wasn't fake, i was playing bots & humans. Fake score is when you manipulate the image via paint for example.
#2 You started the flame & spam, and you can end by not replying back.
#1 Score wasn't fake, i was playing bots & humans. Fake score is when you manipulate the image via paint for example.
#2 You started the flame & spam, and you can end by not replying back.
#2 You started the flame & spam, and you can end by not replying back.
I have to reply because like normal you have no idea what you're talking about.
1. Score was fake, simple. Just deal with it.
2. Where is the flame + I didn't start the spam.
Ending spam.
If you want to reply, send a PM.
I have to reply because like normal you have no idea what you're talking about.
1. Score was fake, simple. Just deal with it.
2. Where is the flame + I didn't start the spam.
Ending spam with noob
If you want to reply, send a PM.
1. Score was fake, simple. Just deal with it.
2. Where is the flame + I didn't start the spam.
Ending spam with noob
If you want to reply, send a PM.
#1 Explain to me, how the score was fake.
#2 Where is the flame? Your flaming right now, calling me a "noob". Do you know what a noob is? It refers to "newbie" who is someone who is new to the game. Now I've been around longer than you, so if anyones a "noob" here, it's you.
Stop talkin' like an idiot. Also, you're noob, if you fake your scores.
Stop talkin' like an idiot. Also, you're noob.
Means alot coming from you.
Not cool, man.
You build a fucking armada of turrets at your enemies spawn while there are very few opponents that have enough skill to kill you and then wait for more active times.
It's construction? Isn't it?
They call it 'gaming ettiquette', doing shit like that is just wrong. What most people would consider 'noobish'. I would happen to be one of those people.
Call it what you want. But if you think I'm "noobish" play against me 1on1. So i can humiliate you in front of everyone.
All you new players, think your so good. You don't know anything about CS:2D's history.
But if you think I'm "noobish" play against me 1on1 i can humiliate you in front of everyone.
I lol'd more.
If you guys want to talk. Go to a chat
Nice. 1 page of talking.
If you guys want to talk. Go to a chat
If you guys want to talk. Go to a chat
What I suggested
use PM's for a nice discussion
Send a bloody PM!
If you want to reply, send a PM.
Finally got one, but it seems I'm just talking to a brick wall.
Join it. Quick chat. I love google!
edited 2×, last 23.04.11 05:43:12 pm
I suggested it three times.
Finally got one, but it seems I'm just talking to a brick wall.
use PM's for a nice discussion
Send a bloody PM!
If you want to reply, send a PM.
Finally got one, but it seems I'm just talking to a brick wall.
Yea i'm just going to leave this thread. Bai bai ._.
Clan Leader: no leader
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S.clan is officialy open !! APPLY ON FORUM
Why chose us and not an other clan?
cuz we are 2 principes :
1) No leader In clan
2) members make cw/fw when he want ( Write score on site all the time!)
and only one condition to join: You must be activ 1 time / week on game and site.
Pwn in S.clan --> Be Popular on cs2d --> Join Pro clan