tk_punish lol.
just turn it off.
Slithers you deserve it you should be banned from the server anyway all you do is tk at the start off each round I don't team kill. Why would you think that I do?
Anyways I have a very annoying problem during gameplay that's been happening a numerous amount of times. When I reload a gun and then switch to a different weapon before the gun is reloaded, the yellow reload bar is still showing and I am unable to use the weapon I am currently weilding. Lee Moderator
that's a server side issue. Hi everyone,
I have some ideas for this game:
-Key(or Card)can be used for opening the door
-You can change the spray's color by Hex Code
-Powerful Storm(or just a conveyer belt)that can move the player
-sv_kill(slap is tooooo weak
-Changing the fog's Alpha is only for server
-More Buildings(I mean Turret)
that's all.
And there is a very serious...no, a very funny and strange bug.
He said he didn't fix this picture, I don't 100% trust him
Is.....this a bug??? sorry for this is a stupid question but where can i download cs2d0104
i just wanna download it to show my frends that i have all cs2ds!
this is the suggestions thread, not the newbie question thread.
but ok: you cant download it from us anymore. you must look in rapidshare, maybe somebody uploaded it there. and maybe chip.de has something A really cool thing would be a car that you could edit coz i really like drivingin cs 1.6 so i would be glad to have it on cs2d
DC Admin
The silencers should sound a tad bit more quieter than without 1 attached. I can still hear an m4a1 with a silencer attached from a pretty for distance. hi every one!!...well i have an idea...i dont know if its new tho....but ...with the sniper rifles...when u right click...the camera should go a little bit higher ...so you can see more far away than you normally do.........cool game................sry my bad english
Could there be a optional way of breakables to be destroyed? breakable modes maybe?
I'd like the crates to disappear, and not split into four equal frames and fade. Perhaps breakable modes can be implemented? for example; simple fade away, disappear or standard(as it is). tiko: the sniper is already one of the most powerfull weapons in the game, when you use an awp e.g. in doublezoom mode you can do an one shot kill, that should be enough benefit for this weapon. The only disadvantage of this weapon is that you have to stay in cover, if you will get an bigger field of view, you can stay at every place and have lots of time to aim, while your enemy has no clue where you are. So a sniper would be totally imbalanced. the sniper zoom mode in max is just rubbish to start with Admin/mod comment
this is not a suggestion but just idiotic spam. it doesn't help anyone /DC JPVN has written
the sniper zoom mode in max is just rubbish to start with
How is it "rubish"? Its way better than the previous zoom mode where it actually zoomed in and magnified your target making it a lot harder to shoot. But now the zoom mode in the latest version makes more sense. The older version didn't even have cross hairs. ... it should zoom in with the crosshair... DC Admin
I think that the sniper stuff doesn't need any changes at all. it works fine and in my opinion it's better than the magnification of the old versions.
letting snipers see more of the map would be pretty unfair. yep true but snipers are still annoying x) JPVN has written
the sniper zoom mode in max is just rubbish to start with
LOL your Rubbish.
Snipers are already good enough. DC is right there isnt any need for changing anything.. I think...
the sniper scope can be better.
imagine that:
if you are aiming for some area which is far to you
but NOW, somebody who only use a little but powerful knife
and he stand 'in front of you', and he is slaying you.
And, you will not know why you lose the game.
Okay, I know there is a little bit blather:P
BUT, the point is 'in front you'
in the CS3D, if you are aiming but somebody is stand in front of you, you'll see his BIGBIGBIG face.
So, I strongly suggest that changing the circle scope into the sector scope. That will be more imbalance I know, BUT this is closer to the reality. Aj COMMUNITY BANNED
eh snipers are fine if u cant use them then give up.
anyways im banned from ||ACID|| servers haha x]
Admin needs to qq.