Everything should hopefully be back to normal by now. If you run into any problems please report them.

Server Update
18 replies

Everything should hopefully be back to normal by now. If you run into any problems please report them.

I see a lot of recent logins at the website so this seems to work in general.

edited 1×, last 27.08.23 11:44:03 am

edited 1×, last 27.08.23 12:50:23 pm

I think it's fixed now. Uploading and editing an upload worked for me. Sorry for the trouble.

edit: new files don't show in the archive too i think
I can't reproduce your issue with editing the upload / replacing the zip. Your screenshot indicates (with that Spanish message next to the file selection) that you didn't select a new file? It's weird because I don't get that message in my browser.

Your screenshot indicates (with that Spanish message next to the file selection) that you didn't select a new file? It's weird because I don't get that message in my browser.
Yeah that's what happens after I do that (only replacing zip file). I tried uploading nothing and the error is
You did not select any action! Nothing to change!

Of course if you select nothing to upload and press "Submit" you will get the error message you posted. That's expected behavior. It always was like this.

In case anyone's wondering, I am trying to upload this file for an update to

edited 1×, last 29.08.23 06:01:20 pm
Edit: Okay, it's fixed. @

edited 1×, last 29.08.23 09:49:24 pm