I thought I'd go straight to the source and ask - is there any chance of future-proofing this game with an updated executable that uses Direct3D9 or newer? Has anyone worked on something like this? The modding community still seems to be active, so I was wondering how far they got. I remember one group of modders actually recompiled the game somehow to add sprint and freecam, so maybe it is possible?

Any chance of a native Direct3D9+ executable?
12 replies

I thought I'd go straight to the source and ask - is there any chance of future-proofing this game with an updated executable that uses Direct3D9 or newer? Has anyone worked on something like this? The modding community still seems to be active, so I was wondering how far they got. I remember one group of modders actually recompiled the game somehow to add sprint and freecam, so maybe it is possible?
If you search for that you'll find some old forum threads and also things like Xors3D but most of the stuff leads to dead links.
Xors3D seems to be a DLL which plugs in DX 9 into Blitz3D. That would be exactly what you need - but I have no idea how well that works and if you can still get it somewhere. Also it used to cost money. No idea if you can use it for free now.
The domain xors3d.com is dead / for sale

Blitz3D is fully open source now so someone with C/C++ and DirectX experience could in theory make a DX 9 (or even newer) version of the engine but I have no idea about all that so I don't know how time consuming that would be. I'm afraid though that it would take a lot of work because as far as I know the DX API changed a lot after DX 7 or 8.
The alternative solution would be to rewrite the game in another engine or to write a converter which converts Blitz3D code to code for another engine. I already thought about doing that myself but both approaches would be quite big projects so it's probably not worth the (most likely quite annoying) work.

Admin/mod comment

Things that dont works entities dont load eg "Camera info not found" and wont launch into gameplay (hardcrash), xTerrainY (


@user ModJuicer: what a great idea, how about you go ahead and do it first and show the class how its done.
I think I just got called out. murder in the chat

you actually posted that you want to make stranded 3 better?! it's not even fucking done yet, and won't be for years. if ever!
stop spamming forums with useless bullshit...make you own dam thread and STAY IN IT!
Admin/mod comment

I think I just got called out. murder in the chat
And... That last post makes a double killstreak.
but since you mentioned:
you actually posted that you want to make stranded 3 better?! it's not even fucking done yet, and won't be for years. if ever!
I feel obligated to set you straight. This is not a plan for making stranded 3 better, thus the reason it is labeled 2.9. It is for stranded 2 modding!
every time i come on here you got shit posted that is incomplete, irrelevant to any of us, and always promoting your work that is broken, always incomplete, and suggestions no one cares to hear about
I have spent time reading my past posts a few months ago I realized I promoted my own work too much, and decided not to anymore. Anyway, I always promoted clean, working, complete work in the past, which is the complete opposite of what you are saying, leading me to question your accuracy.
If you have a problem in the future, please contact me directly via PM or discord, otherwise every single thread I post on will just get turned into a shitstorm of negative comments. You will notice that contacting me directly will have a much larger effect on what I do, as I won't take it as an insult, but as advice.
Anyway.. Back to Direct3D9+...
Admin/mod comment

you edited the post...that is so deceitful. Wow.
Anyway, planning on working on Survivalist with u because it sparked my interest previously, and I need experience with other mods as well as mine to make mine better, but my parents hid the family computer to maintain dictatorship

I feel like we kinda ruined this thread, which is sorta sad because I was interested in the native Direct3D9+ exe.
I feel like we kinda ruined this thread, which is sorta sad because I was interested in the native Direct3D9+ exe.
No YOU ruined this thread from your constant spamming, were just trying to set you straight kid.
Anyway, planning on working on Survivalist with u because it sparked my interest previously, and I need experience with other mods as well as mine to make mine better
Thats very assumptive of you to assume that @

edited 1×, last 25.07.21 04:09:00 am
No YOU ruined this thread from your constant spamming, were just trying to set you straight kid.
I am fine with people trying to set me straight, but they don't have to be so negative about it. Anyway, please 'set me straight' on my discord channel (the link is on my signature) so I can recover from the horrible reputation I have amassed over the years, when I was younger, so that, some day, maybe I can actually get more positive, useful feedback than negative, unhelpful feedback for the months worth of work I put into my mods.
Truthfully, I never expected negative feedback on my mods to begin with, so I was quite bitter about the ungratefulness I recieved for a couple years, which is evident in my previous posts, but I never gave up modding, and finally things are taking a turn for the better. Thanks to anyone who understands what it's like.