
yea thats the main problem
if you fix that we might be ok to go
"hell" is too much
40% less is good to go
Btw you should know that most shooting situations are in long distance... on the moment you find the enemy with fow
I mean, aiming in this game will be a supertryhard thing
edited 1×, last 19.03.17 10:41:18 pm
"but it loses accuracy as hell"
yea thats the main problem
yea thats the main problem
It compensates the speed of pistols. I'll reduce recoil a bit, and make it slower.
It's accurate if you shoot the speed it was before the recoil.
• Trigger_Delay finally supports floating point values. This means you can use delays with higher precision. e.g.: 0.5 for half a second
• (other useless changes)

It possible to turn on/off Env_Cube3D with a triggers now?
For example I placing Cude3D with name "cube1"
Then I placing button, which triggers "cube1" on use, so entity will be appear and disappear?

Improved burst mode for recoil mode:
that seems more realistic just like in 1.6
but take care that you dont make it slower than the no recoil one

and like

My antivirus delete the cs2d.exe but I fix it , now I have other problem
the first zoom and the second zoom looks like this

and I cant play full screen, always have black space at the top and bottom of the screen

Does the bullet path on the clientside correspond to the bullet path on the serverside? It seemed that for previous versions (pre, the bullet spread was just a visual effect. You could see blood spatter and there wouldn't have been a hit on the serverside. Then a different "random" spread would be applied on the serverside.
This basically reduces everything to, you have a x% percent of hitting the enemy, and what you see is not what you get.




edited 2×, last 20.03.17 01:10:49 pm

and in this version positions of fastenings of weapons and equipment is changed, and now player skin is above of weapon skin. Standard skin of player legs looks bad for 3d view.

mp_recoilneeds to be 1 (dynamic recoil system enabled). Then you can change the dynamic crosshair with
ch_red ch_green ch_blue ch_size ch_thickness ch_bordersize
The static normal pointer can't be changed via settings because it is a sprite.
Because I tried new editor functions and even started to remake my de_aztec as 3d map)
And yes there is too many bugs with editor with new 3d walls and images.
edited 1×, last 20.03.17 11:44:51 pm