Yeah implementing the physics/vehicle stuff properly with decent multiplayer code would be a suuuper huge chunk of work. That clearly won't happen in the release.
Can you please add the dynamic crosshair as optional? In every single FPS game where you can find dynamic crosshair, you can set it to static one. In my opinion, the dynamic crosshair is completely useless for this game and its also just annoying.
I understood that You will be able to change the size of dynamic crosshair, but also add an option to change it to static. PLEASE, DO NOT MAKE IT SERVER SIDE. It's just DUMB.
. As soon as you change the setting and save the changes, it'll take effect.
and I think You cant read as well.
I'm also NOT talking about recoil, BUT crosshair.
Is it so hard to understand?
if so, let me rephrase that into the simple version 1) A switch to old crosshair in OPTIONS
2) I dont want it to be SERVER-SIDED option
Play with boarders now, I'm really loving to play with the on 16:9 (800*600). Doesn't feel somewhat very bad.
Like I said before you gonna loose players with that changes...
Whats wrong with you? Is hard to keep the old settings for the players who love the oldstyle?
And I say talk with SQ he wanted to (and did) introduce 16:9
But it's true that 16:9 should be better for the vast majority of all users. 640x480 is really not a common resolution anymore.
4:3 and 16:9 can't easily coexist however. It would have to be a server setting forcing the resolution because otherwise it would be super unfair. And that would be hell technically.
@ KDMRL: Dynamic cross hair makes no sense when not having dynamic recoil enabled. On the other hand a static cross hair makes no sense when having dynamic recoil enabled because you wouldn't be able to see the spread.
And of course dynamic recoil must be a server-sided option because otherwise the game would be extremely unfair.
Also note that dynamic recoil will be DISABLED by default in (unlike the pre-release where it is enabled)
- Player models look bigger and you can aim better
- Less info/things on screen = less time your brain need to analyze them (4:3 > 16:9 on this aspect).
- Performace
So DC or Simonas please bring that resolution back.