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English CS2D in 3D

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old Re: CS2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

I might implement optional non-tile FOW:)
Lighting engine is already implemented, I might just copy some rendering stuff from there to render FOW, instead light. That method won't even require FBO that would eat performance as lighting engine do.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

user SQ has written
@user Andrez: That is ridiculous. 3D render does not affect FOW at all. It does not effect any code related to the gameplay... And this is going to be server-sided option, or map option in the end. So both players will see the same mode. Also it looks like you don't really know how FOW works. The situation you have shown is usual to happen with current FOW system.
And that's the point of 3D walls - is that you can hide behind them. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Im just saying its more difficult to find players, and my whole point was to make it server sided so yea it's not so ridiculous.
Still, you gotta check that thing about shooting, it was like 50% (or even more)harder to see the bullets spray compared to the bullets with non 3drender

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

since walls may be different height and obstacles too, would it not be confusing? for example wall 3 and obstacle tile have identical height, but wall is wall.. and looks like obstacle. For sure if you make walls drop shadows at obstacles it would looks better, but if we may change height in future, obstacles may have higher height than walls(1,2,3,disp,turret etc), whose height is static and unchangeable.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Super User Off Offline

@user SQ: nice job you did to building, I like it. Don`t you think obstacles should be "fixed" somehow except for drawing them under player`s guns to show they`re obstacles. not walls? May be add some height to player sprites?

old Re: CS2D in 3D

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user StirlizZ-Fapicon has written
@user SQ: nice job you did to building, I like it. Don`t you think obstacles should be "fixed" somehow except for drawing them under player`s guns to show they`re obstacles. not walls? May be add some height to player sprites?

We are going to add height to the sprites. It's in the progress.

@user Mami Tomoe: Draw turret how it should look like then!

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

Obstacles should be half the height they are right now. It seems like their height is "32" (so they look like boxes because the tiles are 32x32 pixels), they will look better if their height gets changed to "16".

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

@user BCG2000: Done that already in current version I'm working with. Last screenshot.
edited 1×, last 15.03.17 12:41:47 pm

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Playing CS2D

This looks great - but do players still look over obstacles? It could look strange is they vanish behind obstacles, but you can still shoot them

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

Since obstacle' height may be more than wall' and you still be able to shoot through them, even if their height would be 2301230123. etc. it would looks weird.
Maybe add a special maximum minimal value to them? like a:
All obstacles may be from 4 up to 16.
And walls from 32 to w/e value you want.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

Why not leaving freedom of choice for the map maker?

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Reviewer Off Offline

user SQ has written
Why not leaving freedom of choice for the map maker?

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

user SQ, but.. if you make obstacles looks like 12313pixels height and place buildings it would look weird.. i doubt that it won't make confusing.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Moderator Off Offline

It's up to the map creator. We should support all the nonsense they can come up with... There will be limits for the wall sizes of course.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Super User Off Offline

user SQ has written
It's up to the map creator. We should support all the nonsense they can come up with...
That's nice.
user SQ has written
There will be limits for the wall sizes of course.
What just happened the first two sentences you wrote? Or are you talking about to stop people who are going to make the biggest walls which will cover all over the map in the future? Nonsenses are nonsense, so... I agree with user Mora

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Reviewer Off Offline

@user Masea: He's taking about people making them so high it would be considered intentionally trying to fuck with things. He's not contradicting himself whatsoever.

old Re: CS2D in 3D

User Off Offline

Yes, but what do you think about their looks? I will repeat:
If i use for example wall texture with bricks.. would it scale it so much? Or you will add something that would make them looks else?
Is there height value for dyn_walls? if i use two different tile-walls on one tile:
tileframe is 20(wall) for exmaple, and it's height is 64.
And entity on it with frame 30(propertie-wall), and it's height is also 64 or anything else.
What would it looks like?

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Reviewer Off Offline

user Mora has written
Yes, but what do you think about their looks? I will repeat:

You're not repeating anything, you're just clarifying your very vague post which can be misunderstood 50 trillion ways. Be clear, assertive and provide as much information as possible.

Anyway, no idea. What do you suggest? Do you have a solution to this problem?

old Re: CS2D in 3D

Super User Off Offline

@user Yates: I can't say much about his last post but if we consider what he tried to say in his first post(which is about height one), he wants an established limit to obstacles just because if we make their height more than 64, they will not look like an obstacle but they will keep their job do(we can shoot, we can see enemies through them, etc.). Which means it is unrealistic and has bad looking to eyes. So does he have a solution? Yeah, as he said, obstacles need a limit while we're setting their heights.
edited 2×, last 15.03.17 05:42:07 pm
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