That happened to me rarely, i played it without any problems
CS2D Servers What server would you like?What server would you like?
30 repliesPoll
What server would you like?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Tibia | 8.33% (3) | |
Shotgun/Laser | 2.78% (1) | |
Jail | 19.44% (7) | |
Happytown | 2.78% (1) | |
Other | 66.67% (24) |
36 votes cast
That happened to me rarely, i played it without any problems
Very true.
On-Topic: I like tibia. Shotgun would be nice if its fast-paced.
By other what you want?
P.S you can PM me too,
Thank you,
I have hosted deathrun server Yesterday it was in ServerList all the days
The were only 2 players-in
I don't think deathrun is a good IDEA
Tl;dr you have to wait patiently until your fanbase grows
¿Who is the best user in Unreal Software's?
and make a poll, that be a stupidity.
Dayz DayZ_Lingor_Islands (+script)(re-upload) (28)
Lubo DustTown Dust_Town v3 (31)
@ Ryden: You can see what type of server people will like by checking the list and basically ctf and stuff like.