The Darkness2D Madded by mafia_man its hack USGNS be warned !!! MY FRIEND HAVE BEEN HACKED WITH IT !!!
DON't USE IT !!!
do you think hack is fun ? ok its fun we say
But this hack Steal your account data and spaammiing
I swear see this topic :
Mort Vivant has been hacked be warned do not use it ! Admin/mod comment
We know. Actually the hack was made by uPrate6. So, mafia_man didn't really do anything wrong. Quote
Nope, Its you.
You'r a hacker
So, Deal with it Duuh, everyone has been warned already, noone cares about your friend now, as he was even trying to hack it's his fault he got "hacked"... DC Admin
I posted about this like 10 times. Here at the website and in the CS2D in-game news message. Which idiot is still using it?! My god.. this unlimited ignorance. STUPID FUCKING DUMB ASSES (no offense, just the truth)
Also: Stupid cheater kids. You deserve to get your stupid accounts stolen. I'm actually planning to release a fuckillion of fake hacks that instantly ban your account when you use them. Sounds like fun, heh?