I just discovered this cool new software - MP3Gain. (Actually it's quite old.. for me it's new ;p).
If you play MP3 files on your PC/Laptop/IPod/Walkman/Mobile... etc... many a times you may encountered songs that have volume greater or lesser than other songs. Like when you play one song, after it finishes then another song comes up which is too loud so you have to adjust the volume or a song that is very low in volume so you have to adjust the volume again.
Well this software - MP3Gain - uses a technique called Normalizing where it internally adjusts the volume of your MP3s within the MP3 itself. Also it does the adjustments in such a way that there is no loss of quality. So if you use this there will be no more volume adjustments :).
The best thing is that it is freeware, just like CS2D!

To use the software is a piece of cake. Just visit the following link or ask me any questions if you are in doubt. (if you are using the software that is...)


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