[DC] Happy TownGruen3rApf3l User Offline 11.10.12 10:47:00 pm i dont like [DC] Happy Town because there are only hacker and noobs, all admins are noobs and all members freekick me and admins kill me everytime with gmod. dont go dc happy town all noobs pls ban vojaflexel he noob pls
Re: [DC] Happy TownBlazingStan User Offline 11.10.12 10:54:39 pm So? No,really,I wonder - what in the hell this guy wants from this forum? Find admin of the server/site of the server and report him. As Yates mentioned,see how much people will care about this server.
Re: [DC] Happy TownJela331 User Offline 11.10.12 11:06:28 pm Gruen3rApf3l has writtenall noobs pls ban vojaflexel he noob pls That sure makes sense.
Re: [DC] Happy TownEngiN33R Moderator Offline 12.10.12 07:13:40 am That's not a matter to complain about on Unreal Software. We have nothing to do with that server.