
He'll go away if you ignore him.

2. ask a moderator if you could make an (anonymous) second account

1. change your name
2. ask a moderator if you could make an (anonymous) second account
2. ask a moderator if you could make an (anonymous) second account
1 - Useless stupid idea, we have user ID's that do not change even if we do change our names. The spammer will continue to spam.
2 - Useless stupid idea, the moderator already stated that there are to be no alt accounts.
And if the spammer is using a proxy, well then you'll continue to be raped by his spam, there's nothing you, as an end user, can do.

Very yours problem is that you're retarded. Retarded people attract retards. If someone is smart enough - people he will hang around with will most likely be smart too. If you're retard - then all your friends are retards.

Very yours problem
Watch out dude, by your logic (or lack of) you're about to attract retards and get spammed with messages.

Tell me what's wrong with "very yours problem". Now.
Go back to primary school, high school and college and get A+'s in all your English classes without cheating then you'll see why "very yours problem" sounds fucking retarded. I'll give you a clue so that you can save some time: Because it is fucking retarded. The structure of that sentence is grammatically incorrect.

Go back to primary school, high school and college and get A+'s in all your English classes without cheating.
English is my native language, suddenly lol'd.

"very yours problem" sounds fucking retarded.
That was the actual point and you're now officially Mr. Serious.