It's the same for all the tabbing/windowed/fullscreen issues...

addbind('f6') -- works if key == 'f6' then -- fails, key returned by key hook is 'F6'
nilwhen there is no delay (I.E. using
nilif there's no delay in some instances.
falsefor the
entityparameter on buildings spawned by
addhook('movetile','_muv') function _muv(id,x,y) 	if inentityzone(x,y,0) then --tt, working in 5x5 area 		msg("TT") 	elseif inentityzone(x,y,1) then --ct, same as upper 		msg("CT") 	elseif inentityzone(x,y,18) then --nobuild, only at entity position, not the zone 		msg("NOBUILD") 	end end
addhook("join","_join") function _join(id) if player(id,"steamid") == "0" then parse("kick "..id.." You need a Steam account to play here.") end end