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English Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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Poll Poll

What is your internet speed mg

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1-4 GB
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5-9 GB
0.00% (0)
10-15 GB
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More than 15 ! GB
0.00% (0)
10 votes cast

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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Lol, I have a feeling that TheTrollHammer and Vetle just looked for all the best parts they could find and post it, I mean I don't even have Ivy Bridge ( I doubt I ever will due to the overheating problems with it when it's overclocked ) and I'm a pretty gracious upgrader.

EDIT: Oh, lol, I have a 385kbps internet connection. ( South Africa... sigh ) Will be getting a 1Mbps line soon.

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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user Vetle has written
@Sotnaz if you think this is from google then go and find the pic .. lmfao what a dumbass you are..

Says who?
user Vetle has written
I represent you, my CONNECTION!


Haters will be hatin'

If someone doesn't believe me... well then give me your skype and i'll share you my desktop.

@user Infinite Rain: Dude, my Mac is 30x times more powerful than your PC
edited 1×, last 26.06.12 01:53:17 pm

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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user Alistaire has written
user Vetle has written
i usually get download speed at 12.5mb/s

With a 100 mbps cable you get 12.5 mbps download speed? And you still believe that it's 100mbps?

He means 12.5 mega BYTES, not mega BITS. 100/8 = 12.5, so yes, it is a 100Mbps line if he is getting 12.5 MB/s download speed at the max.

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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user palomino has written
gaming console


The only good thing about consoles is that they are cheap. Everything else about consoles are based on outdated hardware. Sure, that's the main reason why they're cheap and easy to use, but they're still heavily underpowered and will die out pretty soon as they are aged hardware.

What they need to do is create a modular console system that can reproduce what a rig can do with upgradeable parts. If not, console gaming is doomed to be outdated very quickly, repetitively, every single time a console is released.

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

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user Vetle has written
Here is my setup..
EDIT: Heres the link since the picture was too big..

Hey, to prove us you're not a liar, take another photo, but with you holding a sign saying or something like that. If you refuse to do this, you're a fucking liar. Don't come with the excuses "I don't have a camera". If you had money to get that setup, you sure will have tobuy a new cam.
And this is just to solve everything.

old Re: Put here your PC system And your internet speed

Deleted User

user palomino has written
user Vetle has written
@Sotnaz if you think this is from google then go and find the pic .. lmfao what a dumbass you are..

Says who?
user Vetle has written
I represent you, my CONNECTION!


Haters will be hatin'

If someone doesn't believe me... well then give me your skype and i'll share you my desktop.

@user Infinite Rain: Dude, my Mac is 30x times more powerful than your PC

Emm I think that is EVERY computer is 30x times powerful than my PC. But MAC is still bad. PC FTW

And Vetle is not lieing, Belive he showed me his room with webcam.
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