
I would like to trigger that entity and bomb detonation effects come out with msg "Bomb detonated". Or make a new env entity called "env_bomb".
And also, bomb dotonation effects should be called by server effect command.
Just my idea

Tha's what I mean, every page on this thread has someone asking for weapons, the weapon slots idea would stop that.
How about just make it like my suggestion a while back where not only are there the image files for the weapons, such as for this example the AK47 which has "ak47.bmp" which is the hold image, "ak47_d.bmp" which is the drop image, "ak47_k.bmp" for the killfeed image, "ak47_m.bmp" for the buy image, that there would also be an "ak47_m.txt" which in the first line holds the name string of the AK47 which can be edited, and anything below that line is loaded as the description of the weapon.
This would allow complete name and description swaps for all weapons in CS2D if implemented, and that way everyone gets to mod their copy of CS2D the way they want it to be modded whilst also changing the default weapons into something they want them to be without changing the mechanics of the weapons so that they can still play against other players online.
Now thats a awesome idea

Tha's what I mean, every page on this thread has someone asking for weapons, the weapon slots idea would stop that.
How about just make it like my suggestion a while back where not only are there the image files for the weapons, such as for this example the AK47 which has "ak47.bmp" which is the hold image, "ak47_d.bmp" which is the drop image, "ak47_k.bmp" for the killfeed image, "ak47_m.bmp" for the buy image, that there would also be an "ak47_m.txt" which in the first line holds the name string of the AK47 which can be edited, and anything below that line is loaded as the description of the weapon.
This would allow complete name and description swaps for all weapons in CS2D if implemented, and that way everyone gets to mod their copy of CS2D the way they want it to be modded whilst also changing the default weapons into something they want them to be without changing the mechanics of the weapons so that they can still play against other players online.
Now thats a awesome idea


This is a bad idea. Don't do that.

So will

Honestly there's no need to spam up the forum with another suggestion thread, hence I posted it as a comment here.
Only time will tell if DC notices it and then we'll just have to wait until he decides to implement it. No need in pestering him honestly, he has a lot of work cut out for him as it is already, even if it would be nice to have it implemented asap :3
When the VIP gets kicked the game continues.
But when he dies, Terrorist win.
Or it is not a glitch?
Both teams can still win by killing all enemies in that case.
That why i asked, ''is it a glitch?''
Thats fair.

But i'm sure that i'm not the only one who wants it.

What about removing big images in buy menu? It should be possible to remove it in options.
How about a custom scaling option along with the text file? That way artists can create their regular guns and such, put a crapton on detail into a large gun sprite, and set the scaling option for that gun to "1" so that it isn't stretched?
Currently the default scaling option stretches whatever buy image by twice it's initial size, with what I already suggested for renaming guns, there could be a number prior to the name string of the gun, such as:
The "2" signifies that the buy menu image will be scaled by "2", which basically means that it will be scaled by twice it's size. Now, this is the default scaling so that all the little gun sprites are actually viewable. For someone who made a large and detailed gun sprite that would normally cover parts of the menu because it would get stretched too big, so, the artist can set in the special text file that the scaling variable should be "1" like so:
Now the gun sprite will still be named "AK47", but the buy menu image will not be scaled by twice it's size, while still allowing other artists who use and make small gun sprites to make their buy menu images stretch to twice their size without interfering with any other gun mod.