
Admin/mod comment

some usefull ideas
More Sniper Rifles
Granade launcher on some weapons
more assault rifles
more weapons on buy menu
New Player skins

Weapon suggesting isn't allowed, also fix your fucking spelling.

I want to see remote control sentry gun 

This is CS2D not CoD2D.
Anyway, a good one is making missions to be completed in the game with other players against bots. Kinda like co-op gameplay sort of thing. Missions can be played single player or multiplayer. But one major part that needs to be improve are the bots if mission gameplay is to be successful.

I want to see remote control sentry gun 

This is CS2D not CoD2D.
Anyway, a good one is making missions to be completed in the game with other players against bots. Kinda like co-op gameplay sort of thing. Missions can be played single player or multiplayer. But one major part that needs to be improve are the bots if mission gameplay is to be successful.
You can create missions with maps including scripts

I mean You need manually change brightness when You need make darker walls and then for ex. dirt tiles. You need separately change tile type. And if You got more tiles in tileset, its kinda annoying. So it would be nice, if You can set brightness and "draw" every tile without needing to change.
I dont know if somebody posted it already, if yes, then sorry, I dont read this thread very often.

If you rightclick on a tile with a special option, it will copy it. So you don't have to change it for every single tile.
Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D
Deleted User
Re: Ideas for Counter-Strike 2D
Deleted User
If it would be fine, then fcking minecraft mod with random generating would be not laggy!
Then play fucking Minecraft, jeeez.
Q: = Question
A: = Answer
Q: Wtf is wrong with you all, quit trying to turn CS2D into Call of duty: I dont give a fuck what version it is. Leave CS2D as it is. Little changes to the score board or menu fine. There are over 50 weapons, I am pretty sure that is more than enogh weapons. I know you all just want a weapon that has alot of power and fast fire rate. Well guess what, its not going to happen. That will only ruin the game. And do not ask for new player skins or new splash. If you are able to come to Unrealsoftware.de and write your comment here, then you are able to download a awesome skin from Zeroarcanus. Which you can find in the file archive, or look to the left and click on Users. Then Search usgn name Zeroarcanus and click on the his name when search engine has found it. then scroll down and click on any of his files.
My ideas for CS2D 1.2.1 -
1. When you press Tab, it will show your total Kill per Death with your score
2. When you open CS2D it shows on the top centered, it will show how long you played CS2D(I am not talking about when you first made your account). From when you open CS2D, and til you close it. It will add the time it was from when you join a server and it will stop adding time when you got to menu.
Weapon slots:
Simple slots added in the buy menu so player can create their own weapons. Each buy menu section would have a limit of 5 weapons slots. Each slot can be configured to make your own weapon with simple console commands or lua, example:
Slot 1:
Name: AA12
Type: Shotgun
Rate of fire: 1.0 (limit of rof would be 4.0 maybe?)
buy image: gfx/weapons/ AA12_m.bmp
drop image: gfx/weapons/ AA12_d.bmp
Kill image: gfx/weapons/ AA12_k.bmp
in hand image: gfx/weapons/ AA12.bmp
Price: 2000$
damage: 50 (limit 300 maybe?)
ammo capacity: 30 (limit 200 maybe?)
secondary mode: 0 (0: none,1: silencer, 2: burst mode, 3: single zoom, 4: double zoom)
recoil: 3
weight: same as other shotguns.
Here an image: