
viele Giraffen essen und erbrechen Verlierer, die viele Ärsche hat dann Wasser ertrinken auf der Flasche.
This should say that I think there should be a Revolver and Dual Elites and improved shotgun reloading.
setopacity <player id> <opacity (0-100%)>

This idea should be useful for scripters. They can change player's opacity by Lua or parsed by the server admin like:
setopacity <player id> <opacity (0-100%)>
That's true. Then, Stealth Armor will become almost useless.

This idea should be useful for scripters. They can change player's opacity by Lua or parsed by the server admin like:
setopacity <player id> <opacity (0-100%)>
That's true. Then, Stealth Armor will become almost useless.

no one is using it anyway
A command to emulate others as if they were typing in the console, however this only emulates the server side, it won't do anything clientsided.
For example:
emulateconsole(2,"say hello") --> player two actually says hello emulateconsole(2,"bind \"e\" \"say hello\"") --> does not work because bind is a client side command emulateconsole(2,"disconnect") --> works, it seems as if they just left the server of their own will

i mean when i throw satchel charges then i'm leaving from the server and then join that server again , satchel charges which i thrown still exist.
(a bug in online mode

Sorry for bad English

And ofc ping compensation which would beat FlooD's

There's a bug with reloading - when you are shooting and start reloading without stopping (or start too fast by accident, especially in tight situations) the reloading bar freezes and the guy can't reload...
And ofc ping compensation which would beat FlooD's
And ofc ping compensation which would beat FlooD's

The player cannot reload because of the internet problems.
Happened to me a lot.

The Bandolier perk let's you carry a bandage, with it you can heal yourself or a teammate. Dropped on death and can only be picked up by another player with the same perk.
Lol, don't you know that a bandolier is ammunition-specific? Bandoliers don't carry health, they carry ammo.
Also the rest of your ideas in terms of Call of Duty like perks for CS2D can be easily implemented with lua scripting.
Also please no last stand/second chance crap, do you have any idea how broken it was in CoD Black Ops?

+WEAPON IS Nyan Cat shoot speed 5 wow super weapon 

Fuck no.
You attempted to be funny, and failed, hard.
The only way it will ever be implemented is if you sprite/make the sounds yourself and replace a weapon in CS2D with it.

There should be a difference between silenced m4 and non-silenced m4, regarding damage i mean.
Second that, silenced should deal less damage.

There should be a difference between silenced m4 and non-silenced m4, regarding damage i mean.
Second that, silenced should deal less damage.
That would help with the advantages silenced weapons have.
-no hit marker, quieter sound, and basically no draw backs, making it heaver would be annoying and unrealistic, so making it weaker would be better
-though this is already possible with lua
and to be honest I think changing the weapons is not a good idea, since a lot of people have gotten used to it already

I just had an idea:
A command to emulate others as if they were typing in the console, however this only emulates the server side, it won't do anything clientsided.
For example:
A command to emulate others as if they were typing in the console, however this only emulates the server side, it won't do anything clientsided.
For example:
emulateconsole(2,"say hello") --> player two actually says hello emulateconsole(2,"bind \"e\" \"say hello\"") --> does not work because bind is a client side command emulateconsole(2,"disconnect") --> works, it seems as if they just left the server of their own will
looks interesting, but we might be able to edit player settings and binds. However, those settings could be a "temporal settings set by server side"
For example:
mp_radarmode 1
mp_radarmode 2
mp_radarmode 0