
It's cool idea!

Admin/mod comment
Oh hell, no.
to find a friend or someone...

sometimes, when someone is throwing a grenade, it hurts me, also when im behind the wall...

there's already the USGN friends list for that. it always shows if/where a friend is playing. you can control who is able to find you by adding the right users as your friends.
such a filter will not be implemented because it would allow you to find random people. some people might not want to be found. it could be really annoying if some dickheads could easily follow you to each server you are playing on. you know?
@VAU: there's a setting to make grenade damage go through walls. or it's just caused by lag / delay by high pings. no bug.

Pressing L - [ Friends {USERNAME} Playing cs2d,Then u click on the name and it says [Chat] - [MESAGGE]
[Go to server..]

This could also be useful. It doesn't have to look 1:1 like this, but you get the point.
Just something that shows the amount of your buildings...
edited 1×, last 07.04.12 08:14:52 pm

Why do you even need that usgn chatting stuff? You could use Skype or ICQ for chatting and even video chatting.

anyways the friends list is laggy,he should fix it first.

Why do you even need that usgn chatting stuff? You could use Skype or ICQ for chatting and even video chatting.

This could also be useful. It doesn't have to look 1:1 like this, but you get the point.
Just something that shows the amount of your buildings...

This could also be useful. It doesn't have to look 1:1 like this, but you get the point.
Just something that shows the amount of your buildings...
thats a good idea!

So I want the SMG's, especially the UMP to be much stronger and the M249 has to be more accurate so that you can play at least with 2 or 3 more weapons.
And I don't know if that was already mentioned , but how about changing the buy image view back to the old one, so that you can make bigger buy image skins again? Also adding the names of the weapons to the language file, if that's possible.
edited 3×, last 08.04.12 09:33:22 am
(and i think it more need characters)

and i want killstreaks too......
I can make a skin of it too... (pls w8)

How about making snipers view ahead of the player's normal field of vision. 

It would be too overpowering.