Support .mp3 and .gif.
Dont blame me,if its not possible or somebody suggested it before me.
Btw,is it possible to change color of flares lighting?I dont mean skin,I mean that light when you throw it out.
dENd has written
In-game cursor color changing.
like in older version? it would be great.
my idea: LUA function 1
example 1
function lol(id,x,y)
i sujest to add a command,or lua,something,it allows to make more weapons on your own server,and add anny name u want
Download any skin
change name
CS2D Folder
Custom Weapons Folder
Go back to sys
Custom weapons name folder
then add name of the wep.
then some players can go to ur server and play with other custom weapons Admin/mod comment
Please don't ask for the voice thing anymore. It has been suggested about 2 million times now. Use the search function to find out why DC doesn't accept it. /ohaz
sixpack has written
Hey guys voice spam!
Hey guys lag!
Hey guys bad idea!
Bad idea. new weapons like SCAR.AK-98.Magnum to improve the stealth suit. The longer you stand to more invisible. When you go you visible...
somethink like ghosts from crossfire.
My ideas!
When you pres ctrl. behind an obstacle you can't be hurt.
When you pres space. close an obstacle you can walk in it, when you go down you cna take one less damage... I'd actually just want the floor system(if possible) and major bug fixes for the next update. My ideas is
do you know when you walk the leg will disapire?
my idea is when you crouch there is a SHADOW and the leg stops.
(note: there is no jump key)
when you press the [Jump] button there is a shadow will come out and when you attack then you jump the bullet will play again. Admin/mod comment
Spook MQ Hacker has written
My ideas is


do you know when you walk the leg will disapire?
my idea is when you crouch there is a SHADOW and the leg stops.

(note: there is no jump key)
when you press the [Jump] button there is a shadow will come out and when you attack then you jump the bullet will play again.
EngiN33R has written

More weapons

More NPCs

Weapon editor

Customizable NPCs

More entities

Voice chat (we've been over this...)


Lag compensation

Anything that can be done with Lua

Different resolutions
My idea: i don't have idea this time edited 1×, last 28.03.12 05:56:12 am
4Vendetta has written

My ideas!

When you pres ctrl. behind an obstacle you can't be hurt.

When you pres space. close an obstacle you can walk in it, when you go down you cna take one less damage...
Spook MQ Hacker has written
My ideas is


do you know when you walk the leg will disapire?
my idea is when you crouch there is a SHADOW and the leg stops.

(note: there is no jump key)
when you press the [Jump] button there is a shadow will come out and when you attack then you jump the bullet will play again.
Download and play GTA II -,- is my sugestion from next version:
*photos is false, created by me*

How 'bout perks? Like in the call of duty's
Only 1 perk available/player
Suggestions are:
Last/final stand
When you are gunned down, you pull out your pistol and get a chance at one last kill before you die. Will not occur if you get sniped or 1 shot shotgunned. + minimum movability and lasts for 10 seconds.
When you have this perk on, you will NOT be noticable on the radar/minimap. (if possible: when enemy cursor is on you, no red name.)
Blast Protection
Flak Jacket greatly reduces explosive damage and allows you to survive any indirect explosive attack.
Death Silence
Ninja allows you to walk, sprint and jump almost silently, therefore you can sneak behind enemies more easily. Very handy in FOW.
Quickshoot (my own perk...)
With Quickshoot you can shoot quicker after you've swapped a weapon. The perk let's you shoot 5O% time faster then normal when switching a weapon. This is good news for AWP'rs.
The Bandolier perk let's you carry a bandage, with it you can heal yourself or a teammate. Dropped on death and can only be picked up by another player with the same perk.
When the player is carrying a HE/grenade it will explode when he dies if he has this perk on. So rusher you be warned.
If ANYONE can get one of these perks in lua or something it would be great...
So that were the perks I had in mind
Tell me what you think about them and send me a mail on unrealsoftware or just comment. Nice idea with perks, but it must be a game mode. A game stand game mode?
Maybe could be cool, but I would like it to have perks in the game?
Anyway thanks for the idea badger Make the flag an inventory item. Bothers me that I can't drop it for someone more healthy to make the cap.
EDIT: Also make the m134 have a spinup time. I agree with most of the balance changes suggested in this thread. edited 1×, last 29.03.12 03:58:17 am