
noo.. not other weapon... i mean the exist rocket launcher or rpg when you click second mouse button you can control by the way
I'm already making a script for it.

Controllable rockets?:DDD as in half life 1 multiplayer 

Just made them
sv_transferfiles "gfx/gun.bmp,gfx/folder/image.jpg,sfx/sound.mp3"
Also I don't see why an invalid spray logo crashes your game.

edited 1×, last 14.07.12 02:57:26 am

You could use Env_Nobuildings in a normal map since you won't be able to place buildings anyways.

You could use Env_Nobuildings in a normal map since you won't be able to place buildings anyways.
1. Your computer sucks.
2. Your internet connection sucks.

There are 2 possible reasons.
1. Your computer sucks.
2. Your internet connection sucks.
1. Your computer sucks.
2. Your internet connection sucks.
3. Both.

There are 2 possible reasons.
1. Your computer sucks.
2. Your internet connection sucks.
1. Your computer sucks.
2. Your internet connection sucks.
3. Both.
He's obviously using a toaster connected to dial-up.
Three ideas...not sure if they were already suggested, but I don't really care either way.

edited 1×, last 14.07.12 08:09:58 pm

My idea: Re-sizable console...
Oh and will appending text via paste instead of replacing be possible?
edited 2×, last 15.07.12 05:02:05 pm