1100th reply!

1100th reply!
Sorry, I mean:
^ I support his post ^
damn it!

Walking over weapons will pick up ammo for the particular weapon. So when your holding an M4A1 and you walk over the same weapon, you'll pick up ammo. On the other hand, holding a different weapon will not let you pick up ammo for the M4A1.
1100th reply!
1100th reply!
Cant this be created with lua.

I said I want draggable MENU ( serveraction menu )
damn it!
damn it!

And what will this help?

I don't. That's not how it works in CS either.
Okay, it's your game. I'll just take a look at my Lua options and go from there, that's why you added Lua anyway.
Also, it can be done by Lua, and as far as I know, there are already level and rank scripts.
Need to fix: When recharging cannot draw logo, open triger_use, include the lantern! It is done in the Counter Strike 1.6 from Valve corporation!
Now that you can add!
Editor: you Can add (Well, for example, call it Env_Script) Env_Script function in the map editor! What is it for? Well, for example we write in it some lua script while maintaining a card is stored in the maps folder with the same name as the map! It would be more convenient to create one illumination of syntax as in notepad++!
Such ideas have already offered! But I can't read more than 55 pages!!!

Sorry for my English! I am easy to Ukraine!

This suggestions thread is not a FAQ.
id is image id
x is strength of blur x (in pixels, from the middle of image [x=0] to x position)
y is strength of blur y (in pixels, from the middle of image [y=0] to y position)


leave(id,reason [,kickreason]
Add a new parameter: kickreason
Gives the kick/ban reason if the player was kicked or banned.
Add a new return value(s):
return 1 - Don't show the kick/ban message
return 2 - Don't show any messages at all when a player leaves ("Silent leaving" ?)
PS: return 2 is also acceptable for

PPS: If the hook leave is called after message was sent to all players then it's still possible to implement via editing the kick/ban command:
kick 2 "you are stupid" 1
kick , ID, reason, show message?