Add new command in console for servers owners and rcon users:
If the admin does not have the trigger earthquake in your map, it can use in the console with this command.
earthquake [power] [ms]

earthquake [power] [ms]
bind "BuyMenu1" "m4a1; vesthelm; hegren; buyammo1; buyammo2; flash; flash"
--PISTOLS RIFLES SMG AND SHOTGUNS (FOR PRIMMARY SLOT or SECONDARY IF PISTOL) addgun(type,id,dmg,name,ammo1,ammo2,time,menu image,inhand image,drop image,price,sound) 	--[[	TYPE: 		1 - pistol 		2 - shotgun 		3 - smg 		4 - rifle 		5 - sniper rifle 		6 - machine gun 	]]-- --SPECIAL ITEM (action on click, SLOT 10 or other which aren't used) addspecial(id,name,menu image,inhand image,drop image, price,once,[sound]) EXAMPLES: addgun(6,150,5,"LSW L86",50,300,50,"gfx/wepons/l86_menu.bmp","gfx/wepons/l86_hand.bmp","gfx/wepons/l86_drop.bmp",5000,"sfx/weapons/l86.wav") addspecial(151,"SpeedCola","gfx/items/cola_menu.bmp","gfx/items/cola_inhand.bmp","gfx/items/cola_drop.bmp",500,true,"sfx/items/cola.wav") --For weapon/item delete we could use function freeitem(id) --id is id of wepon for examples above: freeitem(150) freeitem(151)