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English Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

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old Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

Too many noobs thinking that "gold" is "yellow".

Let us have a look at decent examples of what you think are great gold weapons from the file archive to steer the noobs the right way, lol.

The only decent gold weapon I've made would be the IMI Magnum Research Desert Eagle pack: file cs2d Magnum Research Desert Eagle multipack
I'd like to see examples of your work in gold (not just yellow) weapon mods :3

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

Admin On Online

the actual problem is that too many noobs think that golden/yellow weapons are worth uploading. there are like 100 gold/yellow versions of each weapon already.

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

Who the fuck uses perfect diamonds for guns.

First: Diamonds are fucking IMPOSSIBLE to make into a gun shape,

Second: Diamonds are too weak to stand the constant explosions in a gun

Third: A diamond gun'd be as usefull as a golden boat; it's too expensive, doesn't look awesome at all, is getting dirty too fast and after all it's the least usefull thing to make anyway.

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

First: It is possible, hard, but possible.

Second: Diamonds are not weak, moron, they are the strongest substance known to man!

Third: Diamonds, when cut correctly, will operate as well if not better than a gun made of stainless steel. They are also unable to accumulate dirt because of their perfect surface.

Don't act clever, numbnuts.

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

They are also STRONG. I'm telling you dude. If they are the thickness of a gun barrel they can easily withstand the pressure.

EDIT: Before this turns into a real debate, I'm actually just gonna say it's a stupid idea to make a gun out of diamonds.

My question would be: Would the gun be crap heavy or light?

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

It's impossible dude. When you search Diamond Gun on google, it shows GOLDEN GUNS with some diamonds here and there. Diamond is not strong enough for explosions and not weak enough to make in a gun shape.

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

User Off Offline

Mah boi, it is possible. No one has done it because it would probably cost well over a million euros. Diamond will not simply shatter under the pressure of a .45 caliber round inside it so long as it's wall's size is approximately a cm.

old Re: Unhealthy obsession with yellow weapons

Moderator Off Offline

user DannyDeth has written
They are also STRONG. I'm telling you dude. If they are the thickness of a gun barrel they can easily withstand the pressure.

EDIT: Before this turns into a real debate, I'm actually just gonna say it's a stupid idea to make a gun out of diamonds.

My question would be: Would the gun be crap heavy or light?

It is a stupid idea to make a gun out of diamonds. If such a weapon would however be made, it would be around twice as lighter than a regular weapon, but it would just fall apart after the first shot. It's like a rasp and a hammer - if you scratch the hammer with the rasp it'd be all right, but if you hit it against the hammer it'll fall apart. Physics.
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