
Joining KICKING!
37 replies
Wai- He has 5 crushes on 5 girls? SHAME ON YOU!
You should be going out with these girls, and not just having a crush on them.
You should be going out with these girls, and not just having a crush on them.
No. He should be going out with these girls and not trying to join a CS2D server.

Does he actually know what a fucking lover boy is?

Now you guys get warnings from the administration
Its time to choose...
(A. Stop this off-topic and Insults..
(B. Get banned
(C. Dont even come back to Unreal Software for 3 Days
or (D. Spread the Word that Trolls are attacking

(C. Dont even come back to Unreal Software for 3 Days

Re: Joining KICKING!
Deleted UserThey ban u
Auto kicking = ban
Dont be dumbass and they'll unban you
And what the point of the thread!?
Stop joining prison servers, play other games, learn english.
Not CZ in [N~]Prison.

Ahhhh..... Guys I Don't Walk With 5 Girls i am only 10 YEARS OLD but
Not CZ in [N~]Prison.
Not CZ in [N~]Prison.
This dude makes me crack up.Nice english BTW.

Ahhhh..... Guys I Don't Walk With 5 Girls i am only 10 YEARS OLD but

Me and DC are talking.
oxytamine: I join Unreal Software I cannot join but KICK and I get BANNED, damn!
DC: Today I kick you FOREVER and you cannot join FOREVER and EVER.
oxytamine: OH SHI~!
oxytamine gets banned for joining.
So I never ever join again.

i am only 10 YEARS OLD
That was kinda a big fail to say that, seeing that you agreed that you are 13 when you registered here.

Guys, guys, I always go to Unreal Software, but I can't join and kick.
Me and DC are talking.
oxytamine: I join Unreal Software I cannot join but KICK and I get BANNED, damn!
DC: Today I kick you FOREVER and you cannot join FOREVER and EVER.
oxytamine: OH SHI~!
oxytamine gets banned for joining.
So I never ever join again.
Me and DC are talking.
oxytamine: I join Unreal Software I cannot join but KICK and I get BANNED, damn!
DC: Today I kick you FOREVER and you cannot join FOREVER and EVER.
oxytamine: OH SHI~!
oxytamine gets banned for joining.
So I never ever join again.
Wait a minute, what??