All about RL Roleplay Citylife. it's paused because im rewrite
Point system v0.4.2 (7)
Map(citylife_53360_v2 i won't change the map name) -
LUA Core(Blocker Roleplay lua fron
File does not exist (4733)) -

Inventory (12) by
Yasday) -

Starkkz) -

NPC Shop -

Locations Name -

Television(All about Indonesian but in english) -

Phone system -

Plants -

Fishing -

= In progress
Your help very appreciated
This is old thread that called "Best Citylife Ever" edited 12×, last 04.11.12 01:24:03 am
Admin/mod comment
Moved to mods section. /Starkkz A "calling system" a "SMS system"
Don't you mean a "private message" and a "inbox" system?
I'm assuming the car system is just a hat mod, the vending machine is probably the one in draft (it dispenses flash grenades).
I'm not sure what locations are though...
A turret event would be like ct+t_vsturret, a gate event, npc/zombie/solider event...
I doubt this script will be released, since all these systems&features have been done already it should be easy to just to copy and paste. if User
So this script is incomplete? Yeah, this script is incomplete.
And Idlers, you shouldn't name a script "Best Citylife ever".
Patasuss umm maybe i change the name to IdlersCitylife!!!
EDIT: Changed to RL Roleplay Citylife edited 1×, last 31.07.12 03:22:37 pm
Looks it.
Heads up on the title.
Best citylife script ever
Well there was no point me putting that. -.- @
Flame: did you can make that real life ?? Rian I Have A Suggestion For You How About If CT Killing T That CT Will Get Banned Automaticlly (Sorry Bad English
) Anyone give me a review about this script, im looking for a city rp that would be fun and popular for a server @
Obronca: if want to kill T just kill FK player and then if you kill non FK player you gonna be Arrested
Obronca has written
Rian I Have A Suggestion For You How About If CT Killing T That CT Will Get Banned Automaticlly (Sorry Bad English

LOL. No.
Divine has written
Anyone give me a review about this script
im gonna show the review later. maybe because i was using a free fraps rian, why you not build the special event like Car Race
street race and other? You may stop reviving threads now,
Arrandale. So this project fail ?
Like 90% of project.
I suggest to every one who want to make a Mod ,
Dont make a thread, Just upload it to the file archive( when it done ) I know it is hard to make a mod, but seems you succeed it, mod is not for good or bad, is how they make it, using their creativity and hard work.