
Should Erik be banned?
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Yes | 73.21% (41) | |
No | 26.79% (15) |
56 votes cast

What i didnt do. I live my whole life on my own. MY Dad is dead my mum is dead my grandpa is dead i live with my 85 years old granma on my own. Try that too asshole. Unlike you i am not trying to make life of others worse with flaming trough internet. I never judged anyone i just said facts and defended myself. I never tryed to make life of others worse i tryed to help them. I am liked in my contry and i never had problems with anyone only with kids and trolls on iternet. Try to live with difficult life as i do.
Hey look! Erik is using his dead grandpa dad and mum as a crutch to his argument!
I suggest that DC IP filter redirects Erik on Unreal Software so that instead of seeing the content, all that he sees is this:

*edit* I almost forgot this one too!

What i didnt do. I live my whole life on my own. MY Dad is dead my mum is dead my grandpa is dead i live with my 85 years old granma on my own. Try that too asshole. Unlike you i am not trying to make life of others worse with flaming trough internet. I never judged anyone i just said facts and defended myself. I never tryed to make life of others worse i tryed to help them. I am liked in my contry and i never had problems with anyone only with kids and trolls on iternet. Try to live with difficult life as i do.
Hey look! Erik is using his dead grandpa dad and mum as a crutch to his argument!
I suggest that DC IP filter redirects Erik on Unreal Software so that instead of seeing the content, all that he sees is this:

That is not fucking fake that is truth belive it or not. You are assholes cant respect anyone. Now that is reason to ban someone.

You are assholes cant respect anyone. Now that is reason to ban someone.
1+ reason to ban Erik.

That is not fucking fake that is truth belive it or not. You are assholes cant respect anyone. Now that is reason to ban someone.
edited 1×, last 09.09.11 04:16:53 pm
You should really change your attitude, because even though you are on the internet, people still have feelings and just saying shit about them does hurt.
edited 1×, last 09.09.11 04:15:02 pm

@RamboFox, I did.

edited 1×, last 09.09.11 04:20:18 pm
Go Back to page 1 and read what Goshen(Sunny autumn) wrote.