I search friendsMark Crimson User Offline 06.08.11 01:28:12 pm Hi. I want to have some friends on nrealsoftaware.de
Re: I search friendsasdbanana User Offline 06.08.11 01:39:20 pm Umm , what you mean by that? You want do be shust friends or you need ''freinds'' for amm , m8be Voting your map 5? I would love to have new friends as well
Re: I search friendsYamaxanadu User Offline 06.08.11 09:50:06 pm What in the unholy name of ass is this fucking train wreckage? Out of my three years here, this has got to be the stupidest Fucking piece of abomination shit I've ever seen, infact, right before that Warsaw piece of shit "mod" made by Paulas800
Re: I search friendsStirlizZ-Fapicon Super User Online 06.08.11 11:31:21 pm "There is no teh friends in unreals" (c)
Re: I search friendsPeterToman COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 06.08.11 11:42:39 pm ask him http://unrealsoftware.de/profile.php?userid=1 joke btw
Re: I search friendsPeterToman COMMUNITY BANNED Offline 07.08.11 12:45:47 am This thread isn't closed o.O Btw. I don't add him..
Re: I search friendsMechanolith User Offline 07.08.11 01:01:12 am If you want friends, stop creating stupid threads like that. 'Nuff said.
Re: I search friendsApache uwu User Offline 07.08.11 02:29:12 am lolol ya you should have friends that also play cs2d...right?
Re: I search friendsSparty Reviewer Offline 07.08.11 05:46:26 am soon DC will be Piss Off.. @Joaopcvcastro Your Right "If you want friends, stop creating stupid threads like that.'Nuff said"
Re: I search friendsWTFNinjaPirateFTW User Offline 07.08.11 07:53:40 am then how can he have friends?by giving some computer cookies?like here is a cookie for you.. yay i got an cookie now we are best friends 4 ever!
Re: I search friendsSilent_Control User Offline 07.08.11 09:35:17 am Sorry, but the forum isn't exactly the best place to seek for friends.
Re: I search friendsSeekay Reviewer Offline 07.08.11 10:41:40 am You need friends? Go outside and talk with people!
Re: I search friendsErik963 BANNED Offline 07.08.11 10:46:19 am Comon people he doesnt talk about real life read what he said. He says he wants friends on Unreal Software.de
Re: I search friendsSeekay Reviewer Offline 07.08.11 10:47:12 am Erik963 has writtenComon people he doesnt talk about real life read what he said. He says he wants friends on Unreal Software.de No shit, sherlock..
Re: I search friendsErik963 BANNED Offline 07.08.11 10:53:12 am Seekay has written Erik963 has writtenComon people he doesnt talk about real life read what he said. He says he wants friends on Unreal Software.de No shit, sherlock.. I am immune to this cheep trolling
Re: I search friendsDannyDeth User Offline 07.08.11 10:59:33 am LULZ! That is not trolling. Trolling is playing with peoples' minds to make them feel emotionally insecure and/or aggressive.