Read it and see if you are a noob.
If you send extremely high ratings you're a noob, if you send extremely low you're a noob.
If the rating submitted is lower than what you have received you're a noob.
If your average is below 3 stars you're a noob.
If the ratings submitted is higher than what you have received and your average rating is below 4 stars you're a noob.
If the ratings submitted is lower than 2 stars you're a noob.
If the ratings submitted count is lower than the ones received and your overall rating is lower than 4 stars you're a noob.
If the ratings submitted count is higher than the ones received and your overall rating is lower than 3.5 stars than you're a noob.
If the ratings submitted count is lower than 100 you're a noob.
If the ratings received count is lower than 100 you're a noob.
If the ratings for your files divided by the number of files uploaded is lower than 10 then you're a noob.
If the number of comments is more than the ratings submitted by 20 then you're a noob.
If the replies percentage is below 60% you're a noob
If you have less than 100 forum posts you're a noob.
If the sent messages is more than the inbox messages by 20 you're a noob.
If you have a signature that is more than 4 lines of image or text you're a noob.
If you have too much contact information you're a noob.
If you're usgnid is more than 40000 you're a noob.
If you have a rule violation you're a noob.
If you have numbers in your username that have no purpose you're a noob.
If your password is not secure you're a noob.
If your username is too generic you're a noob.
If you changed your username more than once.
If you don't know how to use bbcode tags.
If you have used cheats before.
If your k/d is below one.
If you turn graphics of a game down to make you play better.
If you ever use lag as an excuse.
If you abuse admin powers in servers.
If you have not changed your avatar.
If you think CS2D is a fps.
If you use the mouse to change weapons.
If you create crappy threads like this one. Admin/mod comment
if you create threads like this you are a noob SQ Moderator
This is kinda stupid and quite interesting as well.
Though, it should be in unrealsoftware's section I guess.
Well, I'm in no way closing it. Dammit,i'm a noob
Apache uwu has written

If you create crappy threads like this one.
i realy, realy agree. If your login is Textual Context, no doubt you're noob. I also predict over 9000 off-topic and spam messages below. Yo, this thread sucks. xDDDDD I was bored, and this is very fitting, very offtopic in every way
I expect a lock any second...lool Add this:
If you create pointless threads because you're bored you're a noob.
SQ has written
This is kinda stupid and quite interesting as well.
Though, it should be in unrealsoftware's section I guess.
Well, I'm in no way closing it.
nah would sent to trash in a second
then the guy that added CS2D to gamebanana is a noob because when it was fpsbanana you could find CS2D there :p SQ Moderator
Just a note for noobs, that "noob" refers to "newbie".
If you reply to pointless threads (that count as spam), then you're a noob.
Majatek has written

If you reply to pointless threads (that count as spam), then you're a noob.
Fail, lol.
Btw, if people who reply to this are noobs, the moderator/admin who closes this will automatically be a noob?
Mechanolith has written
Majatek has written

If you reply to pointless threads (that count as spam), then you're a noob.
Fail, lol.
Btw, if people who reply to this are noobs, the moderator/admin who closes this will automatically be a noob?
No, just locking it - The mod is being pro if he/she does that. Quote
If you're usgnid is more than 40000 you're a noob.
u cant do anything about ur USGNID... I don't think you understand the term 'noob' it means you are new or inexperienced to the game or community.
Having a usgn number above 40000 means you registered at sometime and that hasn't giving you the time people from maybe usgnid 10000 have been through. You most liekly don't know about the earlier versions of cs2d, the changes this forum have been through, etc. FlooD GAME BANNED
Apache uwu has written

If you create crappy threads like this one.
also if you care about rating I don't need to care about my rating
It's 4.9 stars XDDD, im still noob tho
Nem User
SQ has written
Just a note for noobs, that "noob" refers to "newbie".
I "opened" that for my self not so long ago, when noticed what its really near to 'newb'.
But imho if i call guy a newbie, it would be less flame, otherwise i call him noob. Isnt noob refered to dumb newbie ? FlooD GAME BANNED
>implying u give a fuck about rating If users like Textual Context get bored & create useless threads they are also noobs
If someone calls you a noob he is also a noob himself
I dont understand... if your bored then why create this thread? Go play games for F*ck sake... This forum would be a lot cleaner without you Textual Context...
Here are somethings you can do when your bored :
1. Think of life
2. Go play games
3. NOT create pointless threads
Remember what Bush said : Go home and ***