
CT or T
18 replies

CT or T
Only registered users are allowed to vote
CT better? | 59.46% (22) | |
T better? | 40.54% (15) | |
CT weps better? | 0.00% (0) | |
T weps better? | 0.00% (0) |
37 votes cast
then fuck go out this thread

then fuck go out this thread

It's your decision, guys, do'ya all want me to do what I do best, or calm down and-
This thread is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen, both CTs and Ts are the same, only difference is names and and sprites
Weapons unique to each team?, who gives a shit? It shoots bullets, it's not like the M4A1 shoots lasers while the AK fires bombs, the fire the same thing : bullets, so what is tue difference?, I had seem my share of these threads, but this abysmal moutain of vomit is even worst
Weapon comparison is there, that's a pile of shit, but to add a layer of vomit to it, it has TEAM comparison, like, who gives a shit?
If that old piece of shit that is weapon comparing was a Unholy abomination, this is a ungodly abomination that begs for a apocalypse
Abysmal warped piece of fucking shit

Going to play Super Mario Bros 2 its a lot better.

I love it so much ..

Justice is what the world needs!
And yeah they look powerful even from a top-down view, so that's why.