
Ghost in CS2D
37 replies

the video is not fake, but nobody wants to believe .. and another the bot from scratch after he disappeared through the wall and disappeared.
mmmm...does DC knows this??
Big foot O.o im scared

HaNwKs has written
the video is not fake, but nobody wants to believe
It's not that nobody wants to believe, it's just they can't possibly believe it because it's fake.
Put the video at 0:18 and stare at the round time clock.
He waits about 30 seconds until he actually shows the scoreboard, however he cut that part out of the video so we wouldn't see the ''X has left the game'' message at top.
Pretty stupid.
And i saw a teammate killing me. I really dont know wtf happened but my teammate was killed me.
Edit: Or maybe a bot with stealth suit.

Stealth suit user :D?
Edit: Or maybe a bot with stealth suit.
Edit: Or maybe a bot with stealth suit.
No. At stealth suit you can see a bit of player.
And theres no NAME.
Flacko has written
He waits about 30 seconds until he actually shows the scoreboard, however he cut that part out of the video so we wouldn't see the ''X has left the game'' message at top.
Oh wow. Did he actually expect an entire forum not to notice

would be cool if there was real ghost

Strange Q: If the ghost was real, why it turned at the walls instead of going through them? I don't know , I'm just askin'

As for removing the bot after we have seen "the ghost" , I suppose he used a bind.
But anyway, it was really interesting
