This is getting a bit out of hands don't you think? I think there should be a rule-no swarns. Because now people swarn when ewer they want(not all). Now this site wont fit younger viewers. My opinion

Swarns in Unreal Software
4 replies

Should we do something about it?
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Yes | 33.33% (3) | |
No | 66.67% (6) |
9 votes cast
This is getting a bit out of hands don't you think? I think there should be a rule-no swarns. Because now people swarn when ewer they want(not all). Now this site wont fit younger viewers. My opinion
If you actually meant swearing, WTH is that a problem anyway?
This site isn't for kids. Actually the whole (ok 99.5%) Internet isn't for small kids in general.
edited 1×, last 03.07.11 11:55:20 pm