
id rather go play some poker in exchange for weed

Minecraft is not better than Terraria, and Terraria is not better than Minecraft, is it so hard to understand? They're different games, with different purposes, objectives, gameplay, etc... Also yeah, when you get all the items on Terraria, there aren't many more things to do, so it gets boring. However, both games are still on development, and many things will change from now till the games get fully developed.
THANK YOU! SO MUCH! The Minecraft vs Terraria argument was one I knew would surface the second I found the game, but it is extremely ridiculous - and this is not a Minecraft vs Terraria thread. This is a talk about Terraria thread. Now, please, don't post if you're not going to talk about Terraria and only Terraria.
Now, to do so myself. I don't know if this has been said before, but about a week from the release I had an idea about how to do Capture the Flag for a vanilla server. First, create an arena. There has to be a chest at each's team's starting point. Behind the chests will be small rooms containing beds where the teammates would set their spawn. In each chest contains a coin of a different colour. Players would join their teams, empty their wallets set their respective team's spawn to their own, enable PVP, and try to bring back the other teams' coins to their own chest. Since, when a player dies, they drop their coins, killing a player that has your team's flag would give you a chance to bring it back to your chest. Playing with two teams is probably the most straightforward way to go.
(Oh, and deathroll, I doubt your input is wanted here)

(Oh, and deathroll, I doubt your input is wanted here)
attempt to be a whiny bitch denied.
and are those two leafs of weed on ur sig's userbar? damn bastard.

(Oh, and deathroll, I doubt your input is wanted here)
attempt to be a whiny bitch denied.
and are those two leafs of weed on ur sig's userbar? damn bastard.
Palm trees, if you know anything about this site.

I was tonight playing at a terraria server, I was getting some hellstone for my hamaxe and some weapons, when suddenly, someone spawned an eye of ctulhu, we killed him, then he spawned another one, and during near 30 mins, he continued spawning the eye again, again, and again... That's not the bad point, the worse part is that I was mining in the underworld, so it was going sooooooo laggy dude to the eyes, and I couldn't protect myself from the serpents and the imps due to the huge amount of lag. I went out of there, at least I earned 200+ hellstone ores and a furnace.
I think the development team should do something against the inventory editor, preventing cheats to be used, reporting the creators of the inventory editor, or dunno. Many of the terraria players (about 30-40%) use this editor. What do you think?
I am stuck at meteor armor. Currently.
Trying to get molten.
they're using a inventory editor and trying to earn money

They're gay pepole, dont mind.
I am stuck at meteor armor. Currently.
Trying to get molten.
I am stuck at meteor armor. Currently.
Trying to get molten.
Actually the molten is quite hard to get, a huge amount of hellstone is needed, about 600 hellstone blocks, and for me it isn't worth the effort. The bonus effect of the set is additional defense, and the only think it does is make light. My favs actually are the jungle armor, which increases the melee speed (maxed out with 3 feral claws), reduces mana usage (bonus set) and restores mana slightly. Awesome. I also use the necro set, increases movement speed, awesome with hermes boots and rocket boots, but these are more useful with jungle armor (you can use them much longer). I'm also getting the hero armor, the damn seeds are hard to get, so I made myself a surface jungle to farm seeds and wood
EDIT: I lol'd. Pay for all those items? Really lame. I asked on a server to buy muramasa and the jungle armor, and a guy gave me them as a present

Gona check the wiki and get meh some.
Derp. Gona no-life in the underground jungle that is filled with lava for somereason.
You will need... 630 Hellstone Ores, 210 Obsidian, and Hellforge (able to pick up with Meteor/Molten Hamaxe), or forge it in the Underworld (bars), to make Molten Armor.
Jungle is taking looong time to get, because of random drop, and quite-strong attacking monsters in Ug. Jungle.

Man first mmo is runescape...
If you dont belive me google it...
If you dont belive me google it...

Ive got my jungle armor now.
I have molten armor and the plumber's suit.

Re: Terraria thread
Deleted UserI searching for floating islands now
BTW how to make meteorite arrive?

I start new game, and cant find iron to make armors,
I searching for floating islands now
BTW how to make meteorite arrive?
I searching for floating islands now
BTW how to make meteorite arrive?

Iron looks like stone, it only have a another texture.
Go in the underground, there you will find the most

I start new game, and cant find iron to make armors,
I searching for floating islands now
BTW how to make meteorite arrive?
I searching for floating islands now
BTW how to make meteorite arrive?

Iron is mostly founded in the underground, between 1-2 layer of map.
To search for floating islands is at least required Meteorite Shots, or Rocket Boots + Alot of Mana Potions, good luck :p
To let the Meteorite fall, you need to wait LOOONG time, or destroy some Shadow Orbs for it...
P.S. Meteor sometimes can fall on the Floating Island.