The second story explain all, said the F.E.A.R. recon has no oxygen and passed out, so, what's next?
My plan was
After he wake up, he find himself in a technology room, he saw 2 people was in the room, they are Jill and Brad, actually, Jill was the girl in the telephone where you press the green button at the end of Interval 2, she was a designer, and Brad is her helper, all they wanted is to read what the recon experienced, to find her brother, Jack. Meanwhile, the machine gone wrong and the room is starting to burn. You must find your way back to the surface, this time will feature an Objective Function, that you must completed the mission to get going, in the way to the surface, you will see strange things, experience the scary moments! escape the nightmare!
Just finished the Lab thing, this time the map include secret stuff :), and this map doesn't have any pop up ghost, don't worry
FEAR interval 3 bound is uploaded! Click the link above.
FEAR interval 4 is almost finish!
And i am creating a new official site for my FEAR production, check the link above.
FEAR interval 4 uploaded!
Now the Interval 5 - The End is about the destroyed Office Complex in Interval 1, you will need to escape the building and WIN! after this i will start making multiplayer map.